Equal contribution; $ Corresponding authors. Full publication list at Google Scholar | PubMed

Research Papers

  • Liu X, Gillis N, Jiang C, McCofie A, Shaw TI, Tan AC, Zhao B, Wan L, Duckett DR, Teng M$. (2024)
    An epigenomic fingerprint of human cancers by landscape interrogation of super enhancers at the constituent level.
    PubMed | PLoS Computational Biology

  • Wang C, Liu X, Liang J, Narita Y, Ding W, …, Jiang S$, Teng M$, Zhao B$. (2023)
    A DNA tumor virus globally reprograms host 3D genome architecture to achieve immortal growth.
    PubMed | Nature Communications

  • Jiang C$, Ward NP, Prieto-Farigua N, Kang YP, Thalakola A, Teng M, DeNicola GM$. (2022)
    A CRISPR screen identifies redox vulnerabilities for KEAP1/NRF2 mutant non-small cell lung cancer.
    PubMed | Redox Biology

  • Peres LC, Colin-Leitzinger C, Teng M, …, Nishihori T, Shain KH$, Gillis N$. (2022)
    Racial and ethnic differences in clonal hematopoiesis, tumor markers, and outcomes of patients with multiple myeloma.
    PubMed | Blood Advances

  • Liu X, Zhao B, Shaw TI, Fridley BL, Duckett DR, Tan AC, Teng M$. (2022)
    Summarizing internal dynamics boosts differential analysis and functional interpretation of super enhancers.
    PubMed | Nucleic Acids Research

  • Teng M$, Du D, Chen D, Irizarry RA. (2021)
    Characterizing batch effects and binding site-specific variability in ChIP-seq data.
    PubMed | NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics

  • Wang C, Zhang L, Ke L, …, Kaye KM, Teng M$, Zhao B$. (2020)
    Primary effusion lymphoma enhancer connectome links super-enhancers to dependency factors.
    PubMed | Nature Communications

  • Vena F, Bayle S, Nieto A, …, Roush WR, Teng M, Duckett D$. (2020)
    Targeting casein kinase 1 delta sensitizes pancreatic and bladder cancer cells to gemcitabine treatment by upregulating deoxycytidine kinase.
    PubMed | Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

  • Guo R, Jiang C, Zhang Y, …, Doench JG, Teng M$, Gewurz BE$. (2020)
    MYC controls the Epstein-Barr Virus lytic switch.
    PubMed | Molecular Cell
    (Highlighted in Cancer Discovery and Science Signaling)

  • The ENCODE Project Consortium. (2020)
    Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes.
    PubMed | Nature

  • Hicks SC$, Townes FW, Teng M, Irizarry RA. (2018)
    Missing data and technical variability in single-cell RNA-sequencing experiments.
    PubMed | Biostatistics

  • Teng M, Irizarry RA$. (2017)
    Accounting for GC-content bias reduces systematic errors and batch effects in ChIP-seq data.
    PubMed | Genome Research

  • Teng M, Love MI, Davis CA, …, Wei X, Zhan L, Irizarry RA$. (2016)
    A benchmark for RNA-seq quantification pipelines.
    PubMed | Genome Biology
    (Highlighted in Nature Reviews Genetics)

  • Juan L, Teng M, Zang T, …, Li J, Zhang T, Wang Y$. (2014)
    The personal genome browser: visualizing functions of genetic variants.
    PubMed | Nucleic Acids Research

  • Teng M, Ichikawa S, Padgett LR, …, Edenberg HJ, Econs MJ, Liu Y$. (2012)
    regSNPs: a strategy for prioritizing regulatory single nucleotide substitutions.
    PubMed | Bioinformatics

  • Teng M, Balch C, Liu Y, …, Wang Y$, Nephew KP$, Li L$. (2012)
    The influence of cis-regulatory elements on DNA methylation fidelity.
    PubMed | PLoS ONE

Book Chapters